Same Day Delivery

your online orders when and where you need it…the same day

Never wait for a package again


How to Find Us


You can find us on the checkout page of your favorite brand’s checkout page. Simply add a deliverable address and look out for the Wear Widget under delivery options.


How to Track


Once you have submitted an order and selected Wear as the delivery option. You’ll be notified with a tracking link which will show you where your Curator is and their ETA for delivery. Once the curator arrives simply sign off the order to confirm delivery.

Learn More

  • In order to use Wear Same Day Delivery, you need to look out for us on the checkout page when selecting delivery options for your order. If we are partnered with the brand you are shopping for you will see us listed as a delivery option in deliverable cities. We are working to increase our brand network, so if you don’t see Wear while shopping, send us an email! We’ll work to add any and all of your favorite brands.

  • Immediately! Once you have submitted your order, we immediately notify the brand and present you with a tracking link. You can see when a Curator is assigned, who it is, as well as their journey to the store and all the way to your doorsteps. Just sign and accept delivery once it arrives.

  • Since we understand the urgency of your order, we anticipate someone being home to accept delivery. However, in the case you had to step out and are not there to accept the order, our Curators will give you a call on the number you submit at checkout. Being mindful of both your and our Curator’s time we will give a 5-minute grace period. If you have not accepted delivery, your order will be returned to the store for your pickup.

  • From the moment a curator has picked up your order from the store to their arrival at your doorsteps, Wear will completely protect your order. Once you have signed and confirmed delivery we then pass that over to you. For any issues with delivery you can email us at

$10 - $20

Dynamic Pricing

We keep in mind a few variables important variables such as distance, location, time and more, to ensure the most efficient and secure route for delivery. For our same-day delivery solution, we host dynamic pricing, which you as the shopper can select or be rewarded by the brand you are shopping at depending on their criteria. Look out for the Wear Widget at the checkout page of your favorite brand.

*We do our best to keep the prices in that average range, however do to certain conditions and environments prices may fluctuate higher or lower then the range provide.